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Selectmen's Minutes 9/27/04
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, September 27, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.

Present:        Eric Greene, Chairman
                David L. Walsh, Clerk
                George Samia, Town Administrator
                Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk
                John Stuebing, Town Counsel
                Robert Kerwin, Town Counsel


Mr. Oladele Olubanwo and Mr. Robert D’Agostino were present to request a Class II License for 750 North Bedford Street.

M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, approve the Class II License for Shekinah Motors, 750 rear North Bedford Street with the following restrictions:

                License is non-transferable to another entity;
                Not more than 20 cars for sale;
                Cars for sale to be in designated area, as shown on
plot plan, and clearly marked;
No repairs to be done on premises;
Hours of Operation:     Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                        Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
                        Sunday 12 noon – 5:00 p.m.


Marcia Weidenfeller, Town Clerk, was present to discuss changing the date for the Special Election.

M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, adjust Special Election date from December 4, 2004 to December 7, 2004, with the hours to be decided in early November.


Robert DeChristopher, Chairman of the Park Department was present to request the placement of No Parking Signs along the left side of Spear Avenue and both sides of the connecting street.

M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, approve to authorize the Highway Surveyor to place No Parking Signs on the easterly side of Spear Avenue and along both sides of the connecting road between Spear Avenue and Strong Avenue.

Board of Selectmen                      -2-                             September 27, 2004

M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, approve the minutes of the September 20, 2004, with a correction to the last motion.

Mr. Haines, Highway Surveyor was present at the request of David Walsh to explain how the Pay-as-you-Throw program and the free trash pick-up programs work.

Mr. Haines gave a thorough overview of the Pay-as-you-Throw program to the residents.


George Samia, Town Administrator presented his FY06 Spending Plan.

Open Forum

Mr. Philip Zentz was present to express his concerns regarding the health effects of the re-opening of the BFI site.

m/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 9:35 p.m.

VOTE:  Yes – Greene, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.